Classical Work-in-Hand is an important part of the education of the horse and rider and it has huge benefits for both.
It's always worthwhile and all its advantages carry over beautifully into the ridden work. It is the perfect warm up to have your horse gather himself before riding or perhaps a gymnastic session on days you don't ride.
The work-in-hand helps the horse to:
- collect
- round
- carry themselves forward in balance
- move laterally
- bend
- rein back
- mobilise themselves
- begin and develop the Piaffe
Flexions of the poll and jaw done in hand, in calm stillness, are especially advantageous towards lightness for certain horses.
For the rider it is wonderful practice in feel and timing, which is the base of success with horses. The practice of correct work in hand deeps the understanding we have of our horses as we are more observant of their movement, emotions and thoughts.
This graceful work encourages a person to embrace more finess and poise.
The work in hand is an extraordinary aid in the dressage training of the horse when it is done with irreproachable correctness and unfailing precision. Nuno Oliveira
1-day workshops
We are delighted to announce two 1-day workshops (so far).
dates & times
Friday 30th June & Sunday 16th July
9.30am to 5pm.
Angus RDA Centre
South Bottymyre
Inverarity DD8 2JR
Places are limited to 8 students.
All levels welcome.
1 workshop - £89 per person
2 workshops - £160 per person
Welcome cup of tea. Introducing myself and the day. Meeting each other and hearing a brief story of each horse
Group lesson without horses. We will do some simple bodywork, breathing practices and grounding so that we can provide a still place where a horse would feel comfortable to be. So that we can be firm without getting hard, when needed and be more present in the moment which is the prerequisite to good feel and timing.
Group lesson with horses in head collars. Allowing the horses to explore the new enviroment. Preperation for work-in-hand - Leading, having the horse willingly with us. Practicing having them listen to our body language so that we can go together.
For the afternoon session we will begin with Classical work in hand. Bring your bridle and a long lightweight dressage whip. The format will be decided over lunch so we will either work all together or in smaller groups or paris whatever is best for the group.
End of the day